Presentation in which approaches to flamenco are made, which exist from the point of view of art and its link to the historical and artistic context of its time

In January 2009, Fundación Málaga organised the conference “El Flamenco y la Pintura” in the Cultural Sphere of El Corte Inglés.

According to the speaker Pablo Álvarez de Toledo, plastic artist and Contemporary Modern Art expert, from the end of 19th century to the present day many painters, draughtsmen and photographers have come to the world of flamenco attracted by a great diversity of emotions and forms that still today characterise an art, essentially Spanish but universally recognised for its strength, expressiveness and singularity.

In this presentation, Pablo Álvarez de Toledo addressed the exotic vision of a Spain of gypsies, bulls and bandits that fascinated the romantic Europe. La Generación del 27, with a great García Lorca, is committed to the integration of flamenco into the artist’s vital discourse. Flamenco goes from being a mere regional folklore to becoming an authentic voice of the soul.