Pintura malagueña del siglo XIX en colecciones particulares
- Autor:
- Teresa Sauret Guerrero & Elisa Isabel Chaves
- Prólogo:
- Unspecified
- Lengua:
- Spanish
- Fecha de edición:
- 2003
- Materia:
- Painting
- 9788487035913
Painting exhibition hosted in 2003 at the Patrimonio Municipal Museum
Fundación Málaga, in collaboration with the Deparment of Culture of the City Council of Málaga, organized the exhibition “Pintura malagueña del siglo XIX en colecciones particulares”, which was held from May 9 to June 15, 2003 at the Museo Municipal de Málaga (now the Patrimonio de Málaga Museum)
This exhibition offered the public the opportunity to contemplate significant works of pictorial art created in nineteenth-century Málaga that are in private collections. They gathered around 150 paintings belonging to artists from Málaga or abroad who developed their artistic creation in our city, such as José Denis Belgrano, Bernardo Ferrándiz, Carlos de Haes, Antonio Muñoz Degrain, José Moreno Carbonero, Enrique Simonet, José Ruiz Blasco, etc.