Fundación Málaga and Fundación Albéniz strengthened their collaboration for musical education by granting the duo of piano made up of two brothers of Malaga from Velez-Malaga

Dúo del Valle

Victor and Luis del Valle are students at Escuela Superior de Música Reina Sofia, where they finish their training at the Fundación Santander Central Hispano Piano Chair under the guidance of the educator Dimitri Bashkirov, Principal of this Chair and professor Claudio Martínez-Mehner. They also receive teaching from Marta Gulyas and Eldar Nebolsin within Chair of Chamber Music-Groups with Piano. Hermanos del Valle piano duo shape with one of the most solid values in this area, not only in Spain, but in international level, as evidenced by the recent award at the renowned International Music Competition Munich (ARD).

Carmen Elena

Fundación Málaga granted the young cellist from Malaga Carmen Elena at the renowned Escuela Superior de Música Reina Sofia. The President of Fundación Málaga, Rafael Domínguez de Gor, and the President of Fundación Albéniz, Paloma O’Shea, signed a collaboration agreement in order to support the pedagogical work that Fundación Albéniz carries out through Superior de Música Reina Sofía.

Escuela Superior de Música Reina Sofía, whose Honorary President is Her Majesty the Queen, is an institute of higher professional training, which has received international recognition from the specialized education authorities. It was established in 1991. Its purpose is to train talented musicians. Thanks to the public institutions’ and private entities’ aid, the lack of resources is no impediment for the young talents to enjoy such an elite education with great professors and outstanding artists within musical scene. Currently, around 90 young people from Spain and other countries – especially Latin American countries – attend studies in different chairs, training complemented by the presence of great masters invited to provide master lectures and the students’ involvement in circa two hundred public hall concerts around Spain.